Saturday 3 May 2014


Wednesday 16 January 2013

Thanks from heartfelt

Once again you set the tone for the year by helping us run a successful work . We appreciated your unfailing attention to detail. With all the last minute snags, we worried that something would fall through the cracks, but you anticipated every contingency. Several participants commented on how well you had organized the event.
  1. We are fortunate to have you donate your time on occasions like this. One other  behalf of the all friends, I express heartfelt thanks for all you do.

Sunday 23 December 2012

義大利 _ Italy

Sunday 2 December 2012

The Most Beautiful Pond In Japan
Photo and caption by Kent Shiraishi

This pond is a beautiful pond which changes colors every day. This pond is sometimes visible to wonderful blue or green. Moreover, it snowed in this pond for the first time today. And I looked at the light green pond!
Photo Location

Biei in Hokkaido,Japan.

"My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t i

nterrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago”... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl? When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way... remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues every day... the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you. And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don’t feel sad... just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you... my darling daughter. "Hm mm PLEASE HIT"LIKE and comment with the name of your mother. LET'S SHOW SOME LOVE,

Saturday 24 November 2012

 Dear freedom loving friends thanks giving is one of the beautiful and I'm sure somebody is always there who is very thankful to everybody life.
Whenever somebody is thankful in our life. that means a lot to me. from my observation,
 they are delivering a genuine love and affectionate in our life, so. we can fell happy in our precious life.
Now the question is have you ever try to become thankful to anyone and change their life without fear?
I love to hear from you ? If not, then what makes us stoping to become thankful person?                                                   

Friday 23 November 2012

Tibetans really need your warm hands.

Protest Demands made by Tibetan Student's in Chennai (Tsam) at Gemini Flyover